Q / Trika / other retreats

Wherever one's mind finds satisfaction, let it concentrate on that.
In every such case the true nature of the highest bliss will manifest itself.
v. 74

The Vijñâna Bhairava Tantra is a unique texts completely dedicated to meditative practices, which closely
follows the principles of Non-dual Shaivism of Kashmir. It is written in the form of the dialogue between
Bhairava and his energy Bhairavî. In it Bhairava teaches 112 meditative practices which make use of all
previously known Yoga techniques [movement of prâna, mantra repetition, meditation, creative contem-
plation or bhâvanâ, visualization, and others] but it also utilizes unorthodox, more formal techniques,
such as staring at the vastness of the sky, observing the rise and unfoldment of a desire [in one's awa-
reness], using extreme physical exhaustion as a means to experience higher states of Consciousness,
visualizing the dissolution of one's physical body and creation of the divine physical form, and many
other such practices.

If one conceives of the entire universe as magical trick
or as a well-drawn painting, or as illusory as the movement of trees, etc.
[appearing to people seated on a moving boat], and contemplates deeply over this fact,
then he will experience great happiness.
v. 102

Bhairava further teaches that the supreme Consciousness is not only transcendent in nature but it is
also found in the beginning and end of each perception, in-between two breaths, but also at the time
when one experiences extreme emotions like happiness or fear. It is for this reason that one can always
and at any moment experience that supreme state. The problem is that we are always preoccupied with
our thoughts (vikalpa-s) and thus are enveloped by the self-imposed problems. These practices direct
our attention (avadhâna) away from these problems and enable us to experience deeper aspects of
vimarsha leading to the forth state (turîya), the goal of all Yoga practices. It is for this reason that the
meditations found in the Vijñâna Bhairava could be practiced not only in the sitting position with closed
eyes but also while walking, talking, even running, or while engaged in any other activity.

O Bhairavi, by correct utterance of pranava: that is, the syllable Aum, etc.
and by contemplating over the void at the end of the protracted utterance of it,
the yogin attains that void.
v. 39

Many of meditations taught in the Vijñâna Bhairava are purely mental in nature. The main objective
of these practices is to purify thought-construct so that they become pure thought-construct (shuddha
vikalpa) and thus strengthen our awareness. It is by the strength of his awareness that a yogi grasps
the rise of the first moment of the movement of the will (icchâ) and thus merge into Consciousness.

During this five-day immersion, Boris will teach and guide practices of selected meditations taught in
this text. We'll also explain important terms, such as vikalpa, nirvikalpa, vimarsha, prâna, apâna and
few others, as their understanding is necessary for grasping the nature of these meditations.

Boris Marjanovic

Ph.D. has spent the last twenty years studying and
teaching Kashmir Shaivism and Sanskrit in both the
western universities and living for over ten years in
the ancient Indian city Varanasi, training in the
traditional manner with some of the best pandits
living today. He has translated from Sanskrit:
Abhinavagupta’s Commentary on the Bhagavad-
gîtâ, Stava-cintâmani with Kshemarâja’s Commen-
tary, Jagannâtha Panditarâja’s Gangâ-laharî,
Abhinavaguta’s Tantrasâra and some chapters
of Tantrâloka.




Participation limited minimum 8 and maximum 10 people.

Cost: 400€ if 8 people / 360€ if 9 people / 330€ if 10 people

Registration by entering before 1st June 200 €
to the account:
TRIODOS BANK ES86 1491 0001 2110 0855 3826
(Concept: VBhT retreat + Name and Surname)
Send receip to info@qcentro.org

Q Center of Experimentation (Molinos, Teruel, SPAIN)


A small and peculiar retreat space in the countryside.
Mountain shelter type accommodation, bring: sheet,
sleeping bag or duvet, toilet towel and indoor slippers.
Order and cleaning shared among all.
Please read carefully the
‹‹Life Conditions››

Other informations:
Valdepuertas · Infrastructures
How to arrive: www.qcentro.org/comollegar.html
Temperatures in Molinos: www.eltiempo.es/molinos.html?q=molinos&c=prediction

Contact: Tel. 00 34 634320010 / info@qcentro.org


Q / Trika / other retreats