Vijñâna Bhairava Tantra
The Vijñâna Bhairava Tantra, is one of the basic Âgamas containing the spiritual practice of the
non-dualistic Shaivism of Kashmir. It has been considered authoritative by all the masters of the
Shaiva tradition of Kashmir. It is called the essence of the Rudrayâmala Tantra, which is now lost
in its entirety. (…) Abhinavagupta shows his great respect for the Vijñâna Bhairava by calling it
Shivavijñânopanishad, 'the Secret Teaching (of the mystical knowledge) of Shiva'.
Read the complete introduction (pdf 5 pages)

112 Dharanas (download pdf 139 pages)
Compilation of 8 translations direct from Sanskrit:
English: Bettina Bäumer, Jaideva Singh, Ranjit Chaudhri, and Prof. Satya Prakash Singh and Swami Maheshvarananda.
French: Lilian Silburn and David Dubois.
German: Bettina Bäumer.
Espanish: Óscar Figueroa

2017 · Retreat led by David Dubois from 16 to 24
Jean-Claude Guichaoua, Séverine Bouvé, Marie-Christine Chaumié, Mauro Rojas, Salvador Doblas, Bao Rafaralahy,
Alain Bonnet, Serge Peronnet,
Carme Piqueras, and partially Patrick Eldarai, Neus Buira and Francesca Krim.

2016 · Co-organized retreat from 19 to 23 March
Celcie Enedi Silva (Sarasvati), Juan Andrés Segura (Mâhesh), Javier Sanchez, María Jesús San Llorente y Neus Buira.

B i b l i o g r a p h y
(under construction)

The Vijñâna-Bhairava with commentary partly by Kshemarâja and partly by Shivopâdhyâya,
ed. Mukund Ram Shastri, Published by Kashmir Series of Texts and Studies (KSTS) 8, Bombay 1918.

Le Vijñâna-Bhairava. Texte traduit et commenté par Lilian Silburn.
Publications de l'Institut de Civilisation Indienne, Série IN-8º: Fasc. 15,
De Boccard, Édition-diffusion, Paris 1961 (réimpr. 1980).

VijñânaBhairava or Divine Consciousness by Jaideva Singh.
Published by Motilal Banarsidass, 5th reprint, Delhi 1999.

Vijñâna Bhairava. The Practice of Centring Awareness.
Translation by Bettina Bäumer, Commentary by Swami Lakshman Joo.
Published by Indica Books, 2nd edition, Vanarasi 2007.

Vijñâna Bhairava. Das göttliche Bewußtsein.
Aus dem Sanskrit übersetzt, Kommentiert und herausgegeben von Bettina Bäumer.
Verlag der Weltreligionen, Frankfurt am Mein und Leipzig 2008, 3. Auflage 2013.

112 Meditations for Self Realization. Vigyan Bhairava Tantra
Translation and Commentary by Ranjit Chaudhri.
Pub. Prakash Books India 2008, reprint 2015.

Le Tantra de la Reconnaissance de Soi. Le Vijñâna Bhairava et autres manuels de méditation
Introduction, traduction du sanskrit et notes de David Dubois.
Éditions Almora 2010.

... Vijñâna Bhairava ... (English Translation of Selected Chapters with Sanskrit Texts)
By Professor Satya Prakash Singh and Swami Maheshvarananda.
Pub. Indian Mind, Varanasi 2016.

Vijñâna Bhairava Tantra
Traducción, estudio preliminar y comentarios de Óscar Figueroa.
Ed. Kairós Barcelona 2017