image © Christoph Hormann 2007 http://earth.imagico.deThe Trika Shaivism is a practical non-dual philosophy, which aim is the individual's Self-realization.
The word ‘shaivism’ comes from Shiva, name given to the Ultimate Reality or Supreme Truth.
This philosophy arise in Kashmir Valley around the V-XI Centuries A.D., and is popularly known as
Kashmir Shaivism, being the Central Philosophy of Tantrism.
Tantra is an ancestral Tradition of India which remote origin is said to be at the beginning of Kaliyuga.
Brief introduction to Tantra and Kashmir Shaivism. pdf 4 pages.
Principles of Tantra, Arthur Avalon. Seleccted fragments. pdf 13 pages.
Tantrâloka by Abhinavagupta, X-XI Century
- Retreats with Boris Marjanovic:
Tantrâloka II : Descent of Grace (Shaktipâta) from October 11 to 15, 2018
Tantrâloka I : The Esoteric Yoga of Abhinavagupta from July 16 to 22, 2018
Shiva Sûtras by Vasugupta, VIII Century
Vijñâna Bhairava Tantra
Yoga of Kashmir (Spanish)
. Valley of Kashmir, medieval times:
religious and philosophical currents before the rise of non-dual Kashmir Shaivism.
A brief visual summary: 1 page jpg
. The eight Systems of Shaiva Philosophy.
_A brief map-summary from the historical and philosophical approach of Dr. Kanti Chandra Pandey,
_in Bhâskarî. Download pdf 2 pages dinA3 2MB . image gif 144dpi 756 KB
. Work in process: Introduction to the non dual Shaivism of Kashmir.
. Trika's lineage map:
__ According to Swami Lakshman Joo in Kashmir Shaivism. The Secret Suprem. Chap. 12, 13 & 19.
__ According to Dr. Kanti Chandra Pandey; Abhinavagupta. An Historical and Philosophical study.
. Translation Sanskrit-Spanish and Spanish-English of the 20 verses of
_Pratyabhijñâhridayam of Kshemarâja._
_+ a preamble-summary of Ishvarapratyabhijñâ.
. Anuttarâshtikâ by Abhinavagupta.
Translation from Sanskrit > Catalan > Spanish > French/English
(revised version 2: Dec. 27, 2017 - Jan. 9, 2018)
· Anubhavanivedanam by Abhinavagupta.
Translation from Sanskrit > Catalan > Spanish > French/English (version 1, 2018)
· Bodhapañcadashikâ by Abhinavagupta.
Translation from Sanskrit > Catalan > Spanish > French/English (version 1, Jan.-Nov. 2019)
. Shiva Sûtra (1a sección · 1st section) by Vasugupta
Translation from Sanskrit > Catalan > Spanish > French/English (2019-2021)
. Swami Lakshman Jee; Kashmir Shaivism. The Secret Supreme.
_Published by Sri Satguru Publications, Indological and Oriental Publishers.
_A Division of Indian Books Centre. Delhi 1991.. Kamalakar Mishra; Kashmir Shaivism. The Central Philosophy of Tantrism.
_Published by Indica Books, Vanarasi 2011.. Introduction to Kashmir Shaivism. Selected Texts from:
_Svami Tejomayananda, Svami Lakshman Jee, Lilian Silburn and Dr. Kanti Chandra Pandey.
_Download pdf (38 pages) / languages: English and French_Bibliography
Webs of interest:
. / (Culver, EEUU)
. / Mark Dyczkowski, Banarasi (India)
. / Muktabodha, Indological Research Institute, Banarasi (India)
. / David Dubois, Paris (France)
. /
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