The natural balance, well-being and harmony of the living being.
Holistic healing processes.

Health refers to the natural balance, well-being and harmony of a living being.
Health is a natural state, not induced or forced by something other than own vital impulse.
From a holistic vision, 4 types of health are integrated: physical, emotional, psychic and
spiritual; in 4 areas of our terrestrial reality: personal, family, social and planetary.

The opposite of health is the disease fruit of a persistent imbalance,
discomfort and disharmony, manifesting itself in different ways and causes.

Illness is an opportunity for change that invites us to reconsider our whole life, our habits
and customs, our emotions, feelings, thoughts, etc. If there is no change, the disease may
hide but not heal. Accepting the change, we begin to see and to understand the healing

Healing is the path by which we achieve to reestablish health or the natural state of
fulfillment. There are several holistic healing processes, here we provide some of them,
linked to nature, self-healing capacity and the process of consciousness.
There cannot be true healing without growing in consciousness.

Personal Health

It refers to the ability of every individual to heal itself and be healthy. The diet,
the way of living, the attitude towards life, are fundamental for health, as well
as certain natural practices that only depend on the will and consciousness of
oneself to be realized. Here some of them are exposed.

Withdrawal of the mind inward, contemplation and absorption in
the essential nature of consciousness/mind. Return to the source.

Control of the breath in its 4 times: inhalation, retention with full lungs,
exhalation, retention with empty lungs. Prana baths (ether).

Hari Ratan Manek http://solarhealing.com

Urine therapy
A panacea known as Urine Therapy
Shivambhu Shastra - Healing with Urine Therapy
Article: Urine Therapy. A natural alternative that works. by Martha M. Christy
extract from Chapters 1 and 2 of "Your Own Perfect Medicine".

Fast (Hygienism)

Seitai (Katsugen and Yuki)
Based on the spontaneous movement of the body and the innate capacity
for self-regulation and regeneration.
Katsumi Mamine Miwa
Fundación Seitai Barcelona www.seitaibarcelona.com/home/




Anthroposophic medicine
Biography work http://biographysocialart.org/


Family Health

It refers to the ability to create and maintain healthy links with people with
whom we live or share something. It includes the biological family, as the
couple, the work family, leisure, spiritual. The roles that we accept or are
imposed on us, the conscious and unconscious projections that we perpe-
tuate, the dependencies and fustrations that originate according to corres-
pondence or not of the individual and group needs, the capacity and depth
in communication, etc. These are some of the factors that favor family
harmony or disharmony. Here we provide some tools.


Family and systemic constellations
International Systemic Constellations Association (ISCA)


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Social Health

It refers to the individual-collective capacity to generate and develop cultural
processes (ideas, values, laws, knowledge, tools, practices, customs, etc.) that
cause peace, well-being and social harmony. This concerns the cognitive and
sensory paradigms, the waysof perception, understanding and doing that deter-
mine daily life, routines, collective imaginaries, and the degree of development
of individual and collective, planetary, galactic and cosmic consciousness.

Creation and development of NEW educational, political, legal, business, labor,
economic, etc. PARADIGMS.

Social Triformation
A healing impulse of social organisms (companies, associations, schools, NGOs,
etc.) from a holistic vision. A methodology to intervene and produce profound
transformations. A practical application of the Anthroposophy of Rudolf Steiner..

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Planetary Health

It refers to the capacity of terrestrial societies and civilizations, to recognize the
ecosystem Earth as source of life and subsistence, reacting to the progressive
pollution and degradation of the biosphere with the vital intelligence of the
human being, generating the necessary cultural changes to restore its balance
and natural course. It is incumbent on cross-cultural, government and citizenship
alliances, sustained through planetary consciousness.

Preservation of Biodiversity, Habitats and Natural Landscapes.
Management of Territory, and Natural and Industrial Resources.
Agrarian and Livestock, Energy, Technological, etc. Policies.
Policies to reduce production and consumption of toxic substances.

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