Q · Meetings on old age and death _ masters, lineages and traditions presentation

Master Tian pass away on September 18 in Barcelona.

Master Tian Chengyang (Suchun Tian) is an eminent Taoism master and an expert of the
traditional Chinese culture. Also, he is the first master Taoist that has come to Europe. He
is practising Taoism for over 40 years. He has publishen numerous books and articles in China.
Among them we point out “Conocer el Taoísmo. Historia, filosofía y práctica” published by
Kairós editorial in 2003. First Taoist book wrote in Spanish by a Chinese Taoist master. An
initiation to Taoism and a door to penetrate its wisdom. 

Short biography
As a child he learnt with his grandfather aspects of the Taoist culture and knowledge and
very young he entered in the Taoist Temple Tai Qing Gong of the sacred mountain Lao Shan.

In 1985 performed teaching task as master in the Mountain Lao Shan and Mountain Tai Shan.
In 1988 was assigned Adjoint Director of the Tai Qing Gong Temple.
In 1989 moved to Pekin and was named Secretary from the Taoists Affairs Centre of the Taoist Association
of China.
In 1992 was apointed researcher of the Research Centre of Taoist Culture.

In 1999 arrived to Spain invited by the Autonomic University of Madrid to give conferences and lectures
about the ancient Taoist culture.
In 2001 founded the Taoist Association of Cataluña and created in Barcelona the Temple of Purity and
Silence ¨Qing Jing Gong¨.
In 2004 participated in the acts of the Forum Cultures and in the IV Parliament of World Religions. 
In 2005 founded the Spanish Association of Taoism.
In 2005 and 2006 collaborated with experts in religion of different countries to participate in the course by
video-conference of Barcelona University Ramón Llull.
In 2007 participated in the “International Forum about the Daodejing” with the western disciples in the cities
of Xi An and Hong Kong by invitation of the Counsel of Religions of the State of China.
In 2008 went to Paris to teach the duties of the Taoist associations of France and Switzerland.
The associations of the three countries decided to found the Taoism's Union of Europe to spread Taoism all around the world. 
In 2009 went to Germany by invitation of the Tian Gong Institute of Berlin to give a series of conferences
about Taoism, and visited the Judo Club - Tai Chi of Ellwangen to teach the way of the Tao.

In 2011 participated in the 2nd "International Taoist Forum" with their Western disciples in the Heng Shan
sacred mountain in the town of Heng Yang at the invitation of the Council of Religions Chinese State.
In 2014 participated in the 3rd "International Taoist Forum" with their Western disciples in the holy mountain
in Long Hu Shan Ying Tan City at the invitation of the Council Religions of the Chinese State.

Asociación de Taoísmo de España

Phones contact:
00 34 664181429 (Spain)
00 18101033483 (China)


Email: taoismomas@163.com , secretaria.atc@gmail.com

Master Tian Chengyang is the founder and the spiritual authority of the “Temple of Purity and Silence"
(Qing Jing Gong) of Barcelona, first Taoist entity of Europe, founded in the Taoist feast “Dong Zhi”
in December 22nd, 2001. Belongs to the Taoist branch known as the Door of the Dragon of the Temple
of the White Clouds of Pekin.

The Temple Sanctuary is represented by an altar dedicated to Lao Zi, principal deity of the Taoist worship.
The Tao is pure and silent, produces as much the purity and the silence as the tranquillity, and only through
purity and tranquillity It can be reached.

Periodically, master Tian Chengyang, as Taoist Master (similar title as abbot) officiates religious ceremonies
proper of the Taoist ritual to give to know to all the associated aspects of this believe.

The Spanish Taoism Association, housed in the Temple of Purity and Silence, includes at the same time the
Taoism Spanish Institute, which is actually dedicated to teach Taoism to the people that desire it: Taoist
Philosophy, Silence Meditation, Xiu Lian, Ceremonies, Internal Alchemy, Tai Chi, Chi Kung, Massage, Internal
Martial Arts, Chinese Language, Chinese Calligraphy, Traditional Taoist Medicine, Gastronomy, Astrology,
Feng Shui, I Ching, etc. with the aim to reveal the Taoist culture in Occident.

On Taoism

Each day there are more westerners looking for different aspects of Taoism to improve life, Taoism is
very noble, poetic and naturalist, but the most difficult is to find in Occident a truth Taoist master.

Taoism is the root of Chinese culture, it has been present in its history and its customs during more than
five thousand years, being one of  the oldest cultures of the world. Taoism does not believe in the existence
of a personal principle guiding the cosmos but trust the Tao, to whom considers to be the origin of the Universe.
In the Dao De Jing, Lao Zi says that the Tao is who gave origin to the Universe (chapter 1). In the same book is
stated: “I do not know who has created the Tao but I do know it is before God” (chapter 4). For that reason
Taoism is not a religion that takes God as the Supreme Being. For Taoism to be immortal is not to incarnate in
another life but to prolong the actual life in this world, and this world is not confronted to the kingdom of heavens,
but both are united and the immortal can freely go between them both.

The content of Taoism has always been transmited from generation to generation by master to disciple. When a
person meets the conditions of disciple in Taoism, it is named Taoist. Taoism in its content includes a philosophy
and a practice about the conception of the universe and life, which are always united. Taoism has always consider
reality, live and knowledge, being those its main characteristics. The essence of Taoism is not in its form but in its
content, since the form of Taoism has always been suffering changes in each epoch and in each place but its
traditional content has always been kept and continues developing from more than five thousand years.

Taoism is a way of living, it is possible to achieve the true Tao by the fusion of philosophy and practice.
Taoism takes into account simultaneously the spirit growth and the practice of the body, and this system is called
“Xiu Lian”. The “Xiu Lian” is not opposite to daily life. The Taoism applied to obtain longevity does not forbid the
wish but purifies the thought and moderates the wish at the same time. By the only means of using the Taoist
philosophy and practice, the most important events that could happen to human can be solved, as are suffering,
ageing, weakness, pain, illness and death, etc. reaching so balance and harmony, increasing the personal
development and improving social relationship.

In our era it is a secure path to peace and happiness of humanity... up to eternity.