Q · Meetings on old age and death _ masters, lineages and traditions presentation

Jorge Burdman, Buenos Aires 1956.
Professor of Hebrew culture and Director of
the Inter-religious Dialogue Department of
the Barcelona's Israelite community (first
and main Hebrew community of Catalonia).


Contact: Tel. 00 · 34 · 661 492 675



On Jewish Tradition

Judaism is a way of live based in the millennium text named Torá.
The word Torá (erroneously translated as Bible, from the Greek biblos=book),
comes from the Hebrew term Horaá which means: education, pedagogy;
therefore, the Torá is a text which narrations are teachings, through positives
precepts or actions (example: the 10th commandments or the laws about the
care for nature and animals which translate to an actual language would mean:
environmental care.

Hebrew people recall the history through festivities, these take place on the one
hand in the synagogue with prayers and allusive chants and on the other hand
a family celebration in each home, but the essential meaning is that the teachings
transmit us the historical events for the welfare of the actual generation.

As an example: the depart from Egypt towards the dessert, meant to value
the sense of liberty, to refuse all type of slavery and so when spring comes
(date of Egypt's depart towards the dessert) we celebrate Pesaj´s feast,
in which through herbs and specific food, lectures and chants, thoughts or
reflections are made about those (people or villages) that are still in slavery
or submitted to lack of liberty.