Q · Meetings on old age and death _ masters, lineages and traditions presentation



Priest Víctor Márquez Pailos

In 1991 I entered the Benedictine Abbey Santo Domingo of Silos (Burgos),
where I remained until mid October 2015. There I loved, suffered and learnt.
There I met many people, almost all of which, after so many years, they are
still my best friends. There I read a few books and wrote some texts of
personal character. Philosophy and poetry have always accompanied me.
I have as spiritual guide Maria Zambrano's poetic reason and a lot of hours
of jokes and truth with whom I consider, finally mine.

With the pass of time and reflection I have understood that one does not
become a monk to be a monk but to be a man, to be human. Therefore,
because the human has become to me more important each day, I recently
made the decision to continue my religious life outside the monastery, a little
closer to the men and women, specially to those who suffer.





On Catholic Christianity

My Christian and Catholic motto could be, among many, that sentence
San Agustin:

"If you speak, speak with love;
if you remain silent, silent with love;
if you correct, correct with love;
if you forgive, forgive with love

If a stranger wants to know, for mere intellectual or spiritual curiosity,
this tradition, then you have to look a text in which they appear
formulated the Catholic dogmas; if, instead of, you want to know this
tradition inside, and not "get an idea", then it can be in life formulas
as abound, for example, in the writings of St. Augustin:
"Do what you say that you believe and it will be your faith."
All depends on what you undestand by "to know",
one of the more ambiguous words in our language.

You said that Zen is practical, not theology. Christianity is also practical,
much more than people thinks. Another thing is that Christianity has
rooted in the old Europe, in the shadow of Greek philosophy ...

There is no tradition out of the people who live and feel it,
that appropriate it subjectively.
The object without a subject is an abstraction.