Q · Meetings on old age and death _ masters, lineages and traditions presentation

Nicole Marie Gilabert Bernard, was ordained
priestess in Berlin in May 2009, after 2 years and a
half of training in the seminar for priests in Stuttgart,
Germany. She practised her duties in Germany and in
France. From March 2012 she is responsible, jointly
with Francisco Coronado (ordained in may 2009) of
the Christians Community in Spain.

Previously family doctor of anthroposophyc oriented,
biographer and humanist integrative psychotherapist
in the area of Barcelona.

Born in Morocco in 1953, married from 1980,
has been rewarded with the birth of 5 children.


Tel. 00 · 34 · 91 859 09 90

On renovated Christianity

The movement for a renovation of the religious life was initiated with the
celebration of the first “act of consecration of men” (what is known as mass)
on 22nd September 1922 in Dornach, Basel, Switzerland.

This innovation of religious life within the Christianity linage was created as
an answer to the “emptiness” state of mind that young theologists and
priests perceived at the beginning of the XX century.
This crisis became tangible at the end of the first World War corroborating
it from the spiritual world, in the search on the part of thousand of souls,
deceased in tragic circumstances, of renovationforces in all aspects of
terrestrial life. Its constitution was assisted by Rudolf Steiner, bearer of
the Antroposophy.

Through that knowledge all areas of the material practice life such as
pedagogy, medicine, economy, agriculture, arts in its different expressions,
etc. they could have been fertilized from the spiritual.
The cosmovisions and the teachings that come from the Antroposophy
have been and are a source for a bigger understanding of Christ message
and its transforming impulse. They laid out a way of personal auto-education,
from the own freedom, encouraging a flow of life in harmony with the cosmic-
terrestrial task of the human being and the humanity.

The Christians community is only defined by the 7 renovated sacraments:
christening, confirmation, act of consecration of men, sacrament of I, extreme
unction, priesthood and marriage. It has not dogmas nor an obligatory theology.
Each priest is fully free in its theology and teaching, as long as he is coherent
with what throb in the sacramental words. It unites to all the traditions of
Christian origin so as to all schools from the old mysteries adapting its contents
to the evolving needs of today's' human being.
It sees in the act of Christ, in the mystery of Golgotha, an unique historic event
as terrestrial as divine cosmic. Point of inflexion in the process of development
of humanity by means of which the divine has been restored to the human being,
put on its hands to conquer in freedom its relations with his spiritual essence.

The Christians community does not pretend to be a church in the usual sense.
It offers a space to awaken towards a renovated relation of men with the divine
world and its manifestations in our earthly reality. Contributes with it part to the
realization of the Universal Church.

From that vision, illness is perceived as an opportunity of change, of learning,
of destiny resolution. Ageing, natural process of body decline, is polar to the
possible path of the soul' development and with it of the whole human being.
In that personal ageing experience it is the opportunity to awaken to the
“Superior I” and start to let go in consciousness the terrestrial tides. Death!
A threshold step to a live of rising spiritual reflection, by which are co-created,
with the spirituals hierarchies, the futures conditions of a new pilgrimage in earth.