The Shaman
“Shaman” has become a popular word, but what does it mean?
Who is a Shaman in the truest sense?
A Shaman is the one who has accepted the Divine Responsibility to
use its knowledge and skill to Serve all life to the benefit of Creation.
And this goes along with the Teaching as how we can become
Responsible for our own Well-being. The word “Showman” would
be a better description, because the Shaman must also be the
Teacher of Life, by Example.
Of course, every “Shaman” has its own expertise, but it all boils
down to how we can proceed with the Total Health (Body, Mind
and Spirit) in order to grow in Consciousness
- ultimately be fully
conscious as who we truly ARE.
Self-realization (I AM) is the Goal of Life. This goal leads to the
endless Realization of an infinite Dream, which is Happiness.
Happiness means “it happens” and what always happens is Change,
the absolute and eternal Constant. The Teaching and Healing of the
Shaman is based on this constant or Law of laws. By Living this
Onelaw can we reach out to the Goal of Life. The Shaman Facilitates
one to be Self-realized, which goes along with Total Health.
Roy Littlesun