7 days of simple life, solar life, active and contemplative life,
physical, intellectual and spiritual work, ... living in Q.
7 days without digital technologies, to stop, to retreat,
experience the country life, to reconnect yourself with
nature, to develop mindfulness in the most daily acts.
Creativity exercises, debates and practices of meditation,
will be some of the tools to expand awareness,
release fears, blockades and prejudices, . . .
see in you the change you want to see in the world.
Retreat information
* Arrival on Sunday 9 to noon or early afternoon.
Departure on Sunday 16th after lunch.
* Bring basic luggage:
Bed sheet, sleeping bag or duvet and bath towel.
Comfortable clothing and footwear for outdoor and indoor.
Natural hygiene products, if you don't have we give them here.
Notebook or notepad for writing, drawing, etc.
Solar shedules
In Silence during dawn: meditation, walk, bodily practices,
according to each one's need.
Light breakfast at sunrise in the valley.
Mornings of activities abroad.
Lunch at noon and personal time until mid afternoon.
From mid-afternoon until sunset: practices and debates.
Snack-dinner before sunset in the valley.
Silence and meditation during twilight.
+ info in: Life conditions