Transcending Death with Total Health
Roy Littlesun

2019 September from 20 to 27
3 and 7 Days Retreat

Participation per retreat minimum 8 and maximum 10 people


The strive for “Long Life” is the drive for the “Longest Life”, which is the Eternal!
The very basis of this process is the MEMORY that links with the SOURCE that has no beginning nor end.
“Time Life” gives us the opportunity to REALIZE this, and therefore DEATH is needed to let go of the Temporary/Time.

The Art of Life requires the PRACTICAL EDUCATION that is centered around the Essence of Creation, which is CHANGE.
It is by this absolute and eternal Constant/Law that we can Reach the Goal of Life,
Realizing that “the Seed is in the Tree and the Tree is in the Seed”.
The Seed correlates with the Eternal and the Tree correlates with the Temporary.
And this is not just a philosophical notion, but the Truth that has to be Integrated in each Cell of the BODY,
which is the Totality within the Totality = Total HEALTH = Total Being = Self-REALIZATION.

In other words, we are Creation in the Human Form, and since ALL IS ONE…
Creation and the Creator are ONE, too.
This Seminar is about Realizing that we are the Creator of our Own Reality.

3 Days Retreat:
Basics for making the First Step
* Understanding the human and the World within the context of Creation.
* Creator’s Onelaw.
* The 4 practical daily life aspects to complete the Life-cycle.
* Total Health and Being with Total Food.
* How to Reverse any Disease in 10 days.
* Cooking Class.
* Question/Answer.

7 Days Retreat:
First Step + Training for becoming an “Instructor of Life”:
* Basics for making the First step (see above).
* Observer and Mirror.
* Advanced Cosmology.
* The Divine Plan.
* The Family Unit.
* Diagnosis.
* Health Counseling.
* Question/Answer



40€/day for the Oneheart Teachings
TRIODOS BANK ES84 1491 0001 23 2005207424
For International Transfer include: BIC: TRIOESXXX
Concept: Oneheart in Q centre + Name and Surname
Beneficiary of the transfer: Carmen Beringues (Treasurer)
35€/day for Q center (accommodation and meals)
REGISTRATION by entering 120 € in the account:
TRIODOS BANK ES86 1491 0001 2110 0855 3826
Concept: Roy Retreat + Name and Surname


Center of Experimentation
(Molinos, Teruel, Spain)


An individual and small groups retreat space in nature, where to experience
a simple and conscious lifestyle, of low environmental impact.
Shelter type accommodation, bring: bottom sheet, sleeping bag or duvet,
toilet towel and indoor slippers. Order, cleaning and kitchen shared among all.

Please read carefully the Life Conditions.

Other informations:
Environment: Valdepuertas · Infrastructure
How to arrive: www.qcentro.org/comollegar.html
Temperatures in Molinos: www.eltiempo.es

Contact: Tel. 00 34 634320010 / info@qcentro.org