Art of concentration
To leave the body and the spirit
To think without thinking
A monk asked: What is meditation?
The master said: It is non-meditation.
The monk said: Why is it non-meditation?
The master said: It's something alive, It's something alive.
(Master Chao-chou Ts'ung-shen, in Japanese Joshu)

ZEN SOTO Retreat
From July 27 to 30, 2018
by Jorge Pardo
Jorge Pardo: Born in 1958. Zazen practitioner for more than 30 years in the dojo zen
Soto in Barcelona and in the temple of La Gendronière. Since 1996 he practices with
Dôko Raphaël Triet mainly in the temple of La Morejona in Seville,
he was ordained a monk in 1999.
Translator of "Vrai Zen" "Introduction to Shobogenzo" by Master Taisen Deshimaru into
Spanish (True Zen, editorial Kairós in two editions, the second corrected), and supervisor
of several Zen books of the Kairós publishing house, such as "Open the hand to thinking"
by Koshô Uchiyama (Kairós 2004).
He works several years as a reader on Buddhism for Kairos, especially in books related to
Zen and Tibetan Buddhism. He participated in several editions of the AZI magazine (Zen
International Association) and he was in charge of the edition of the Zen magazine, of the
AZE (Spanish Zen Association, latest issues), of the edition of the Notebooks magazine of
Seikyuji and collaborated in the edition and coordination of "Unsui", by Raphaël Triet in
the first issues (up to number 5).
Impenitent traveler for several years, student of sanskrit and hindi, he tries to embrace
India in all its contradictions and its various worlds.
Participation: 9 people maximum
Donation: 210 €
Reservation-registration by entering € 100 in the account:
TRIODOS BANK ES86 1491 0001 2110 0855 3826
(Concept: Zen + Name and Surname)
Center of Experimentation
(Molinos, Teruel, Spain)

A small and peculiar retreat space in nature.
Shelter type accommodation, bring: bottom sheet,
sleeping bag or duvet, toilet towel and indoor slippers.
Order, cleaning and kitchen shared among all.
Please read carefully the ‹‹ Life Conditions ››
Other informations:
Environment: Valdepuertas · Infrastructure
How to arrive: www.qcentro.org/comollegar.html
Temperatures in Molinos: www.eltiempo.es
Contact: Tel. 00 34 634320010 / info@qcentro.org |